Monday, June 20, 2011

The creation of the little me

In the beginning there was a name. It was set upon a formless void, and it yearned with unrealized potential.

The world said, “Let there be light”, and there was light, and it shone down on the name, dividing it from the formless. Evening came and morning came: The first day.

Then the world said, “Let there be a dream and let this dream be all it could ever want.” It set this dream in the sky, out of it’s reach. It called the dream, “Fulfillment”. Evening came and morning came: The second day.

The world said, “Let there be a stage. Let it be the place where things happen. Let it have a past full of regret or halcyon days. Let it also have a future full of phantom possibilities. And the world saw that it was good.

The world said, “Let the stage produce all manner of consumer products and electronic devices”. And so it was. The stage produced all manner of Time Planners and flat screen televisions and portable music players in their several kinds. The world saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came: The third day.

The World said, “Let there be lights to highlight the many benefits and features of the consumer goods. Let the lights make them sparkle and gleam to mesmerize all who gaze upon them.” Evening came and morning came. The fourth day.

The world said, Let there be a firewall between the name and the other names so as to limit the possibility of open source and illegal file sharing. The world called this firewall, “the self”, and saw that it was good. The fifth day.

Then the World said, “Let the name have a story. Let it be a soap opera, peppered with advertisements for the consumer goods, and let it available for a short time only, while stocks last.” Evening came. The sixth day.

On the seventh day, the World rested from all the work it had done. It sat on it’s leather sofa to watch the show. It saw what it had done and called it good.

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