Sunday, June 19, 2011

Southpark and Kathryn’s Father hates me!

How could I have been so naive? But I never saw it! I’m amazed!

For 15 years now I thought my father in law liked me, well kind of. But it turns out he hates me! Can’t stand me. ...My engine has stalled.

He is a Politically correct, Baby boomer, hippy loving, socialist voting, inclusive, Loving, nurturing type of guy. Unless of course, you’re not like him. Well, I’d better back up a bit. You can be different from him, as long as you are “weaker”, than him. Like a refugee or a retarded person, homeless or poor, Lesbian or gay ( even better if you are conflicted about it and vilified for it), or maybe even an Aborigin.. sorry indigenous Australian. Be any of these and David will Love you and worship you in your specialness.

But if you are an amazing fellow, with a stellar IQ, and happen to be married to his daughter and be “different” in a way that challenges his complacency. Nup, He’s fresh out of warm fuzzies for you pal. Oh! he is so conceited and complacent! His little clique of friends think that the sunshine emanates from his venerated posterior.


How do I attend family gatherings now? How do I attend them when I’m carrying this smoldering “Fuck you!, you mean, pompous old man.” wherever I go?

He is dead to me Kyle.

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