Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's Bad, but that's good!

I am producing a small plastic article for a project I'm working on, so yesterday I went to a plastics fabrication company near me to get a quote.

Everything wend badly from the beginning. The receptionist was distracted while she was dealing with me. Then a sales representative came to meet me in the foyer, which is where the entire meeting took place. He didn't seem interested and the meeting was short. He was to get back to me today with a quote. It never arrived.

How do I feel about all this? Absolutely fine. I understand that I'm perhaps not meant to be producing this thing or at least, not with this company. No problems there. Yet I feel an urge to write to the managing director of the company to point out how shoddy my treatment was.

But I'm thankful for God directing me away from there for whatever reason, how then can I feel I want to set them straight over their customer service?

I is confused

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