Thursday, June 30, 2011


In the beginning, when I was first born, did I have an ego? I wonder about this. I really don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know that I had a brain and a mind, and where the mind is, the ego surely follows. I feel I am on safe ground to say that God made me with a mind that was built to form an ego.

This ego is the primary way people interface with each other . Sure, we can all sit in a circle and experience each other “being”. We can stare into the faces of our sleeping children, or hold a loved one in a tender embrace, all without accessing the ego. But if you want to get any “real world stuff” done, then you’re going to need an ego and it’s accompanying little story.

The way all these egos dance with each other across the planet is beautiful and the inspiration for this sort of interplay is nothing short of divine. We were fashioned to mix with one another in this way and it is good.

It is important to note that when we experience another being’s ego, we are not experiencing the other being. Just as when we shake hands with another, we are merely experiencing a small facet of the physical diamond, that may indeed reflect the brilliance that shines within, but it is not that brilliance.

When this fact is understood, when we understand that our ego is a good and natural part of our body, just like a hand or foot, then we can truly use it as a tool to display ourselves and to experience another being in a very unique and fascinating way.

When you hear another being talking, you are hearing ego. When you speak, you are speaking ego. And that is a desirable and wonderful thing. Your ego is not you and their ego is not them. The ego is a way that these seemingly disparate life energies can interact in a practical setting to achieve some concrete result in the world of form.

I think the most beauty can be found when a being, conscious of the fact that the ego is merely a tool, interacts with a being that isn’t. It provides all manner of opportunity for love and selfless giving as well as a forum for the nurturing forth and worship of the other egos inner brilliance.

But real bliss is found when two souls meet through the near transparent veil of consciousness.

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